Have you seen Dirty John on Netflix? Ever watched Catfish the MTV show? Scary right? Well, meet Samantha Cooper of Rogue Daters. This incredible woman is a private investigator and the female founder of a company that helps people stay safe online as they navigate the search for their special someone. I loved meeting Samantha and hearing about her approach to a very serious subject, she says “I’m here to instil confidence when people have doubts in dating” Essentially, Samantha and the Rogue Dater Team are not looking to out people, but instil faith and confidence in online dating. Whilst investigating any niggling doubts singles might have. Her work helps to keep singles safe, stops scammers and fraudsters in their tracks and along the way exposes the truths (or the untruths) about those who say they are someone they are not or, perhaps they suggest they want something that they do not. Samantha wants to make online dating a safer, more fun space for singles to find a partner and so her work is important along the virtual path to partnering.
Here's some advice from Rogue Daters about how to stay safe online as a single:
Don't be in too much of a rush
Take things slowly. Relax and enjoy the dating scene. Get to know the person behind the profile. Ask questions and really give some thought to the answers given.
Hold back on personal information
Remember, until you really know the person you do not know their motives. Do not be too quick to share your personal information. Be honest about who you are and your situation, however, you do not need to go into details, that can all come later.
Discuss the profile with your family or friends
Get a family member or friend to take a look at the other persons profile and possibly some of the messages that have been exchanged. Let them give it the once over without any attached emotions and let them voice their opinion.
Stay within the dating website messenger system as long as possible
This will ensure you do not pass your personal details over such as your mobile phone number or address too quickly. You wouldn’t tell a stranger in the street these personal details.
Arranging to meet
Once you have reached the point that you would like to meet up with somebody, ALWAYS, meet in a public place and let somebody know where you are going and who you are meeting.
NEVER pass over any financial information. Never give anybody your bank details no matter how long or frequently you have been talking to them. Never accept any payment on their behalf either, even for a small amount.
Trust your instinct
Be aware of what your gut instinct is telling you. If there is a slight niggle about something, explore it.
Listen HERE to my interview on Love Lessons at Women's Radio Station with Samantha Cooper here. She gives us insights and top tips into how to spot scammers, stay safe and find love online. Also, Rogue Daters are available for a free, confidential chat on 0208 150 6869