Singles events for some can be rather daunting- the amount of eligible, sociable singles attending events is on the up- perhaps singles are fed up of hiding behind their screens on the latest dating apps! Singles have had enough of the virtual meeting of potential matches online and are looking for something a lot more real, interactive and let’s face it…a lot more fun! We have put together 5 top tips from our connection experts and dating enthusiasts to not only survive a singles event if it’s your first time but have the best time possible.
Perhaps you’re back on the dating scene for the first time in a long time and dipping your toe in the water…here’s a helping hand along the way to a fun-filled, successful night of meeting potentials especially with the month of romance upon us.
#1 Arrive Agenda Free – If you have a strong idea in mind of what to expect or an aim for getting yourself back home with lots of business cards/contact details in your pocket then we do believe you are setting yourself up to fail. Arrive agenda free, with no expectations and if you leave with one or even five telephone numbers then you have had a great time, with great people in your mindset and lots of potential dates lined up. With no agenda there is no pressure and a great night will await you.
#2 Don’t eye up the competition – spending your time looking around at those singles that are of the same sex as you really is not going to help. Pretend they are not there and be fearless in your approach and make a great first impression by introducing yourself clearly with a smile. For best practice and results Senior Consultant and NLP Coach, Nova Selly, always suggests this “pretend this is your party, you are hosting- work the room and make sure everyone is having a great time”. This way you will leave feeling you have done your best to make new friends, contacts and who knows what else! Great advice to this networking passionista.
#3 Don’t talk shop – Naturally, you will of course introduce what you do in life as most of us spend the majority of our weeks at work. However, your job is something that you do and not something that defines you as a person entirely. Break the ice and those awkward boundaries by asking people who they are outside of working-life. If you can get past this conversation stumbling block then you are in for a great night full of great conversation.
#4 “You have nothing to fear but fear itself”- They say you’re greatest achievements in life are on the other side of fear. If you spot someone a little bit dishy across the room who you really want to talk to then go and do it. He or she has arrived at this event for the same reason as you. If you find yourself more comfortable chatting with your wingman or wingwoman then chances are that those potential great dates under your nose are about to get away. Be confident and work the room. Save your catch up with friends until Sunday Brunch…unless you have a date lined up then of course.
#5 Meet Your Soirée Hosts. The event hosts have provided a platform for you to get connected with other like-minded singles so they have arranged said events for a reason; they are probably really sociable themselves. Get to know them, put yourself out there, they may be able to introduce you to that certain someone! You never really know what might happen. Make the most of your time, meet everyone, make great first impressions and most of all just be you- you have nothing to lose; be natural, interested and most of all interesting.
For Singles Events in London visit THE SOCIABLE SINGLES a networking for dynamic, professional singles looking to meet, mix and mingle. Next event Valentine's Weekend; Friday 12th Feb 7pm.